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An official website of the United States Government.

Committees & Councils

Although only the senior agency official can serve as a “FEB Principal Member,” any Federal employee in the Greater Los Angeles area may participate in most FEB programs and activities.  If you are interested in receiving notices about FEB activities or information, please contact the FEB office and request to be added to any of the following subject matter groups that have open enrollment:

College Outreach: College faculty and staff. 

POC:  Leah Carpio-Hernandez, FEB Program Director 

Emergency Managers Group/Federal & Non-Federal Agencies: Agency disaster preparedness and recovery coordinators, to include COOP Managers, intergovernmental partners and Infragard Government Sector members involved in disaster preparedness and recovery.  

POC:  Kirby Lampley, Regional Continuity Manager, FEMA Region IX


Diversity & Inclusion Group – DIG-SoCal: Agency staff involved in EEO issues, to include disability issues. More information is available at

POC:  Leah Carpio-Hernandez, FEB Program Director 


Feds Get Fit: Employees who wish to be notified directly of upcoming Southern CA Feds Get Fit activities can visit our new website:

POC:  Daniel Pasquil


Human Resource Managers: Agency staff involved in human resource management, to include recruiting our future workforce and training current employees.

POC:  Beatriz Devis, FEB Deputy Executive Director  


Public Affairs: Agency staff involved in community outreach and public relations.

POC:  Beatriz Devis, FEB Deputy Executive Director     

Women Achieving Vison & Empowerment (WAVE): Follow up efforts of the Executive Women In Motion (EWIM) sessions previously hosted with the help of the Office of Personnel Management.

POC: Leah Carpio-Hernandez, FEB Program Director